Sunday, February 20, 2011

Listening to Life

This is day two of writing in my notebook each day. Before I thought I had nothing to write about. Now I see there is so much to write about I don't know where to start. I just had to start listening to life. Listen to words spoken and to my thoughts and emotions. I have the writing notebook, which is 200 pages and the cahier, where I write down ideas and interesting quotes I have heard. Then there is the personal journal where I write down what I experienced when I wrote in the notebooks. I have been silent for four years so I'm getting my chops down again.
My father and mother are in Mexico right now. My dad swims in the ocean 6 days out of the week. He said he heard whales this morning "The mother sounded like a foghorn and the baby sounded like a cricket." He was listening to life.

1 comment:

  1. Like the end of this a lot. I sent you my blog URL. Here it is again:
