Sunday, February 20, 2011

Listening to Life

This is day two of writing in my notebook each day. Before I thought I had nothing to write about. Now I see there is so much to write about I don't know where to start. I just had to start listening to life. Listen to words spoken and to my thoughts and emotions. I have the writing notebook, which is 200 pages and the cahier, where I write down ideas and interesting quotes I have heard. Then there is the personal journal where I write down what I experienced when I wrote in the notebooks. I have been silent for four years so I'm getting my chops down again.
My father and mother are in Mexico right now. My dad swims in the ocean 6 days out of the week. He said he heard whales this morning "The mother sounded like a foghorn and the baby sounded like a cricket." He was listening to life.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Subjects

My DVT is healing. I can go swimming again. Having DVT really made me think about how I wanted to live my life. I have been reading Living in the Face of Death, a collection of Buddhist essays on death. The main gist is that we don't know the day or hour of our death so we shouldn't waste time. For me this means practicing every day and I've started to write outside of this blog and my personal journal. I have a 200 sheet notebook and I'm going to write stories, essays and poems every day. Write whatever comes to mind but just continue to write. I have been silent for about four years as I plug away at my technical writing job. Those damn bills.